Join us at the library for some fun competition with a night of party games. We have lots of games and consoles to ignite that competitive spirit!
🎮 Join us Every 2nd Thursday of each month for Video Game Night 🎮
Are you ever in the mood for a party game but have trouble getting everyone together to get one started? Join us at the library, where we will have a variety of different games to play with others. From a Switch with the latest Super Smash Bros all the way back to an Atari 2600, we have many different platforms that can appeal to just about everyone. And if party games aren't part of your style, we have single-player games that you can play up on a big screen as well. Join us for a fun two hours of games or just to hang out and talk!
We encourage you to bring your own games for systems if you have something you would like to play with others. If you're comfortable, we also encourage you to bring your own console if you have something you want to show off.
All the consoles the library currently has are:
Thursday, July 13 • 6:30–8 p.m.
Thursday, Aug. 10 • 6:30–8:30 p.m.