In this one-woman show, Paddy Lynn tells the story of Irena Sendler, a Polish social worker who rescued over 2500 Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto.
Irena Sendler was a 29-year-old Polish Social Worker who lived in Warsaw when WWII broke out. She had access to the ghetto where the Jews were forced to live, and she obtained a permit to inspect the sanitary conditions when the ghetto was sealed off. This enabled Irena to smuggle children out and establish hiding places for them. With her connections to various orphanages, religious facilities, and Aryan families, she was instrumental in saving approximately 2,500 children from certain death. In 1943, Irena was arrested and sent to the Pawiak Prison where she was interrogated and tortured. With the help of the Polish underground, she was released and went into hiding. Irena and her small band of assistants never veered from their mission to save as many lives as possible, no matter the cost.
Storyteller Paddy Lynn shares the life of Irena Sendler in this one-woman show.